Cristina Umaña/ Tomada de Instagram: @lacrispetica
Cristina Umaña/ Tomada de Instagram: @lacrispetica

Cristina Umaña/ Tomada de Instagram: @lacrispetica

Cristina Umaña/ Tomada de Instagram: @lacrispetica

La actriz Cristina Umaña y el actor Lucas Jaramillo, decidieron ponerle fin a su matrimonio después de estar casados durante 12 años.

La noticia se reveló a través de La Red Caracol, donde Carlos Vargas comentó que los actores habrían dado fin a su relación en buenos términos.

«El actor Lucas Jaramillo y Cristina Umaña llevaban 12 años de relación y un hijo maravilloso. Exitosos los dos, y también trabajan juntos. Ya llevan más de seis meses separados, viven en México y llevan una relación maravillosa por el hijo que tienen juntos».

En el programa se destacó que no hubo infidelidades ni molestias en el matrimonio y que solo se trató de un final amistoso, pues siguen siendo socios de SmartFilms.

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El de las buenas noches 💋

Una publicación compartida por Cristina Umaña (@lacrispetica) el

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“ Unconditional Love is not selective, it sees no one as an enemy” 🙏🏼Repost @yung_pueblo ・・・ The separation of families is an undeniable form of harm. It violates the human rights that beings deserve no matter where they set foot on this precious earth. My hope for change is in the people who are using the love within themselves as an active and transformative force. Unconditional love is not selective, it sees no one as an enemy. Real love seeks to create, heal, and bring the insights that support our mental and physical freedom. This century is one where humanity will collectively face many challenges, it is a long-term situation that will be a catalyst for our collective growth into greater cooperation and understanding of what harmony and safety actually require. One of the most important lessons that we are learning as individuals, which will ultimately shift the whole, is that when we harm another we are also harming ourselves. This truth asks us to be more mindful of our actions and to be more creative in our problem solving. It asks us to treat each other like human beings even when we disagree. Our world is changing because compassion is growing. More and more people are no longer turning away from institutionalized forms of harm and dehumanization. The systems that cause hurt and place limits on groups of people are being more widely challenged and questioned. More and more are understanding that the world we wish to live in is created by our collective voice and movements. Jiddu Krishnamurti once wisely illuminated the circle of creation by saying, “the inner creates the outer and the outer molds the inner.” It is to our personal benefit to stop harming others, it is to our personal benefit to develop a morality that supports the human rights of all people no matter our personal political conditioning. When we support the freedom of others we are also supporting our own. Sending love to all beings. May heal ourselves and the world. May we all be happy and wise. Through the link in my profile there is an article with resources to support the children that are separated from their families. 🙏🏽🌎 #yungpueblo

Una publicación compartida por Cristina Umaña (@lacrispetica) el

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